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Electrolyzer catalytic electrode



The alkaline electrolyzed water hydrogen production industry was already a relatively mature industry before the concept of green hydrogen was established, and compared with other supply chains of hydrogen energy, the alkaline electrolyzed water hydrogen production supply chain was better and had completed commercialization. In the future, the main technical research directions of alkaline electrolyzers are: reducing power consumption, increasing gas production in a single cell, improving the life of electrolyzers, and modular integration.

As one of the main equipment for hydrogen production by electrolysis of water, the alkaline electrolyzer mainly includes key parts such as plates, electrodes, and diaphragms, of which the electrodes are mainly composed of anodes and cathodes, and different catalytic effects are adopted to achieve the goals of increasing current density, reducing operating costs, and reducing unit energy consumption.

The left end of the electrolyzer is an anode plate, the right end is a cathode plate, and there are several plates in the middle to divide the electrolyzer into multiple chambers. There is a diaphragm between every two plates. Under the action of the total potential of the anode plate and the cathode plate, the potential of the intermediate plates is evenly distributed, so that each chamber is composed of an electrolytic cell with the anode plate and the cathode plate. The anode plate of each small chamber is also a cathode plate adjacent to the small chamber, and the same cathode plate is also an anode plate adjacent to the small chamber, and the front and back sides of a plate have opposite polarities, so it is called a bipolar plate. In the figure, the two sides of the bipolar plate are represented by red and green, red is the anode face, and green is the cathode plane. The electrolyzer is composed of a plurality of parallel electrolytic cells, and the ends are pressed with end plates, and the tank formed by this stacking is very similar to the filter press used in industrial production, so this electrolytic cell is called a bipolar filter press electrolyzer.


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