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What is Raney nickel Nickel

Raney Nickel is atype of catalyst used in various chemical reactions, includinghydrogenation and dehydrogenation processes. It is named after MurrayRaney, an American engineer who developed the material in the 1920s.

Raney Nickel is ahighly porous form of nickel metal that is created by leaching outthe aluminum from a nickel-aluminum alloy. The resulting structure isa network of interconnected pores, providing a large surface area forcatalytic reactions. This high surface area allows for efficientcontact between the reactants and the catalyst, enhancing thereaction rate.

Raney Nickel isparticularly known for its ability to catalyze hydrogenationreactions, where hydrogen gas is added to a compound. It is commonlyused in the pharmaceutical, chemical, and petrochemical industriesfor processes such as the reduction of aldehydes, ketones, and nitrocompounds.

One of the keyadvantages of Raney Nickel is its selectivity. It can promotespecific reactions while minimizing unwanted side reactions.Additionally, it can withstand high temperatures and pressures,making it suitable for various industrial applications.

However, it’simportant to note that Raney Nickel is pyrophoric, meaning it canignite spontaneously upon contact with air or other oxidizing agents.Therefore, handling and storage procedures must be followed strictlyto ensure safety.

Overall, RaneyNickel is a widely used catalyst due to its effectiveness inhydrogenation reactions and its versatility in various chemicalprocesses.

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